Textures and Robustness of Roof Slates

Textures and Robustness of Roof Slates

 Tue, 9th Jan, 2024

The first picture is of a woodland scene and chiefly the tree trunks against a low lying sun.  We feel that tree trunks lend themselves well to slate and especially slate that is hundreds of years old slate with thickness and unevenness.  These tree trunks and a number of other slate art can be found in our Art On Slate section.   The second is a detail on a large and long pendulum clock.  In both you can see the thickness or, as I like to say, the robustness of the slate which allows for nice interesting textures to be elicited from the slate.  This texture and thickness will not be got from new bought slate.  Modern slate tends to be thin and uniform.  We stay well clear of these slates.  They're ok in their own right but for us they are not interesting and unique and therefore it will be harder to make a unique piece for our customers.  As it is, we pride ourselves in that every piece that we make (and it is handmade) is unique and will not be copied or replicated in any way

Incidentally, if any of these motifs are required in a piece you want to purchase, please contact us with details